Owwowwoww Owwowwowwoww Owwoww Owwowwowwoww
Does the murky water send a message from the sky?
I the reflection of my eyes I saw the eagle and the hawk taunted by the crow
Owwowwoww Owwowwowwoww Owwowwoww
Owwowwowwoww Oww Owwoww
Doesn’t he know they will turn on him some day?
Which ---watch what you say they will use it against you
before your judgment day
They will judge you and say your not di your not equal to us
Oww Owwowwowwowwowwoww Oww Oww Owwoww
Owwowwoww oww oww oww owww owwoww
Does the murky water send a message from the sky
I the reflection of my eyes Owwowwoww Owwowwowwoww Owwoww
Owwowwowwoww I saw the eagle and the hawk taunted by the crow
Doesn’t he know they will turn on him some day?
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